I never really paid much attention years past because I was riding the bike everywhere anyhow. Yet somehow this year I realized there was a bike related event almost every day of May! Of course the weather did not cooperate so many of them were washed out. This year I did pay attention and it was so cool to see everyone working hard to raise bike awareness in Cincinnati that I joined in. I hadn't made it to Northside Yacht Club yet so what better excuse than an easy ride out? And why ride by ourselves so we invited the entire city out to ride with us. Now, 10am on a Sunday isn't the most popular time slot of the week and I figured we (ms 5chw4r7z) would be riding out ourselves. But you know what, four other riders appeared and off we went.
Now these days downtown to Northside is a breeze, Central Parkway bike lane to Marshall Ave., drop down to Spring Grove where there is a bike lane most the way and even where there isn't Spring Grove is wide open and on a Sunday the traffic is light.
And Northside Yacht Club!! Their food is legit! A veritable mouth soiree! I definitely want to start riding the bike out there at least once a month.

Sunday could have been the first really amazing day of the bike season, the weather was perfect and we sat outside in the spacious patio.

I don't have the right words to express how rich and flavorful this was. All I can say is I can't wait until the next time.

They've added some artwork to the Mill Creek Greenway Trail since I was there last.

The brush is high, we couldn't see any of the usual goats and chickens.

Downtown was so quiet Tony cruised up and then passed us on his motorized skateboard. It will never ever happen while we are stuck with our current mayor, but once he is gone we're gonna work on Sunday Streets. Not sure how it will look or work, maybe close Elm or Race down between the Banks and Washington park for bike riding, walking or any other non-motorized activity people want to engage in.
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